Online self-driving debate and lively panel (including me) Apr 27, 11am PDT

Next Monday, we will be doing an online version of a popular panel session we have done every year at the "Automated Vehicle Summit" -- the oldest self-driving car conference.
In this session we have a speaker propose a controversial idea, and then, a bit like a "shark tank" our panel (myself included) tear into the concepts and discuss them, and the audience asks questions too.
This time we're going to start off with a debate on whether self-driving cars will be the best of times or worst of times. It features Princeton professor Alain Kornhauser (normally one of the Sharks) and Sven Beiker, a silicon valley consultant.
The shark panel includes myself, VC Jim Scheinman, TRB and TRI top researcher Jane Lappin and Michael Sena of "The Dispatcher" newsletter, moderated by Richard Mudge.
It should be lively and fun, and interactive -- and it's free with no risk of Covid-19.
Go to Zoom Tank to learn more and sign up.
I didn't pick the use of Driverless in the title -- Alain loves that term, though he uses it in a different way from everybody else, to mean "more than self-driving."
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