Business association pushes for new $30/hour minimum wage

San Francisco, CA, Apr 1 (UPI) The International Business Alliance, a new global lobbying association of companies, announced this morning their support for a major rise in the U.S. minimum wage -- to at least $30/hour, nationwide. They explained that while some businesses oppose an increase in the minimum wage, they feel it is important that U.S. workers receive a "living wage" for what they do.
Association leader, Martha Jones, public affairs coordinator of Boston Dynamics, makers of the famous Spot and Atlas robots featured in the "mash potato" dance said they have long paid most of their staff an excellent living wage and will raise that of their non-engineering employees should this policy come into effect.
"It's time to raise that wage," said Jones. She was joined by leaders from Nuro delivery robots, Fetch Robotics, 6 river systems, Locus Robotics, Geek+, IBM and several others.
Also joining the call were Databricks, Tibco, Mathworks and Microsoft Azure. When questioned if all the companies were in robotics or AI, but Jones replied that no, they had many other members, pointing to Foxconn, Quanta, Pegatron, ASE Technology and several others. "In fact, almost every major Chinese manufacturer is with us in this call."
"In addition," said Jones, "we are joined by the National Affordable Housing Coalition," a group of landlords for lower-priced rental housing in U.S. cities. William Peng, of the NAHC, said, "All our tenants desperately need a raise. Frankly, we've been finding it hard to raise rents of late with wages where they are, and we look forward to changing that. I mean we look forward to our tennants finally getting a living wage. More income in the hands of the worker is good for society, and especially for those who sell a limited commodity that everybody has no choice but to buy. Wait, did I say that out loud?" said Peng.
The alliance stated they had contemplated pushing for a $50/hour wage, but felt that would be too controversial, but generally feel there is no limit to how high it should go.
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