Graphic at shows the strong old-GOP opposition to Trump
I made this graphic because I find the information collected in it striking. How did Trump get control of the GOP when every single former VP or Presidential nominee living or recently deceased (except Palin) opposes him?

Republicans should be asking this, and about how to get their party back. These senior Republicans, nominees and Trump Cabinet members, are just some of hundreds who have come forward. Almost all who come forward though, are those who have left the "game" and are free to speak their own minds. The others saw what happened to Liz Chaney and others.
This graphic asks Republican questions ideally. Most of those I know supporting Trump don't like him but feel that Harris and the Democrats must be stopped. The question for the party is, is that worth giving up the soul of the party. They would rather have somebody other than Trump, but if he's all they have, they will vote for him to meet the higher priority goal of stopping the Democrats. But these leaders of the party, who are free to speak their minds, don't think it's worth that trade off. The GOP must investigate why.
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