Editing down the funnies to those actually funny
Newspapers won't like this idea, but the truth is that most of the funnies aren't funny, certainly not every day. There are some talented people doing comic strips, but it's hard to do on a 7 days a week schedule, so they are almost all inconsistent.
You can read most of the strips on the web, so the next step is to build a system where we do shared editorial on their quality. People would read the funnies and vote on them. Then, you could present a page which showed you only the ones that made a certain cut. You could tune the cut -- "Show me the top 90% of Dilbert, only the top 10% of Blondie" as you like it.
And you could even ask for the top few percent of comics you don't normally read, though of course some of the jokes only make sense to semi-regular readers, so this won't always be a winner. But it should be often enough.
Of course, some people have to read the comics before they have been graded. And there are fans willing to do that, but if there aren't, you can make a trading system that says to make use of the ratings you have to contribute some. (Though if you get too hardnosed about it, people would start to introduce fake ratings to game this.)
User's ratings would not be absolute, but rather based on their past history, and where in their own spectrum of ratings for that comic a particular rating falls. So it doesn't help that you rank every Dilbert a 10 out of 10, such scoring would be discarded. Nor can individual comic publishers bump their own ratings on an absolute level, since again it's a percentile result -- they can only promote a personal favourite at the expense of others.
This would not be so hard to code, who wants to code it?
John Sturgeon
Tue, 2005-08-09 09:53
Great idea.. how about a funnyornot.com web site?
Another way to collect opinions could be a bit more random, like the "am I hot or not" concept, but instead, it would be "funny or not" with a 1-10 scale.
- John <><
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