Tesla To Open Up 10% Of Superchargers To Other Cars, But It’s More Complex And The Plan’s Misguided

A big Whitehouse annoucement reveals Tesla will open up 3,500 superchargers to non-Tesla CCS based cars, though that's only 10% of their stalls. I examine how this effort to spend $7.5B of subsidy money to try and duplicate what Tesla did without subsidies is misguided, and consider why Tesla's charging network is ridiculously better that the others, the difficulties of making a business of charging and how Tesla might fit into the NEVI grant program. I also talk about how Tesla's short cord won't reach other cars and tricks Tesla might pull. Finally I talk about where charging should go and how you should subsidize it, if you must.
Read more at Forbes.com in Tesla To Open Up 10% Of Superchargers To Other Cars, But It’s More Complex And The Plan’s Misguided
Phillip Helbig
Tue, 2023-02-21 23:05
Tesla superchargers for non-Tesla cars
One of the main reasons I bought a Tesla was the excellent charging network. So far, I’ve never had to wait. If I do have to wait because of non-Tesla cars blocking it, I well be very annoyed.
Wed, 2023-02-22 15:54
Not that likely
This is going to be mostly new stations, paid for with federal money so they wouldn't be there otherwise, and when no CCS cars are in them, they will be giving fewer waits for Tesla drivers. It's not clear they could ever cause a wait. In fact, if it's only new stations which would not be built without the grants, how could it cause wait time?
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